The Inchcape Rock. (Activity 3 & 4)

 Unit 2.3 Extracts 3/4

 Extract No. 03

(Line, “The boat is……..died away”)

Q. Read the given extract and do all the activities that follow it:

A1. Rearrange :                            (02)

The following sentences which are jumbled up. Rearrange them in their order of occurrence.

1. Sir Ralph the Rover grown rich with a big amount of loot.

2. The bell sank down with a big sound.

3. Sir Ralph thought that no one would bless the Abbot.

4. Sir Ralph cut the bell from the Inchcape float.

Correct order: 4, 3, 2, 1.  

A1. Choose :                            (02)

Choose the correct option and rewrite the sentences.

a) Sir Ralph cut down………….from the Inchcape float.

1.  Rope,    2.  Anchor,   3.  Bell,  4.  Rod

b) Sir Ralph the Rover went towards……………………….

1.  Tintern Abbey    2.  New jersey    3.   Bay of Bengal   4.Scotland shores.

c) The bell sank down with a ………

1. Gurgling sound      2.    Bang         3.  Great thud     4.   Ringing

d) Sir Ralph cut the bell with a thought that…………………….

1. henceforth no one will bless the Abbot of Aberbrothok

2. ship would not crash with the bell.

3. collision would not take place in future. 

         4. He wants to make a fun.

A2. Complete the following sentences.                                    (02)

a) Sir Ralph the Rover cut the Bell from the Inchcape float because ……………….....................................................................................

b) Sir Ralph the Rover grew rich because ......................................... ..................................................................................................................

A3. Personal Response :            (02)

Do you think that evil cannot defeat  good. Justify your answer with a suitable examples.

A3. Personal Response :            (02)

Do you believe that those who do wrong things will meet with due punishment. Explain with suitable justification.

A4. Poetic Devices :                    (02)

“ Down sunk the bell with a gurgling sound”

Name and explain the figure of speech used in the above line.

The figure of speech used in the above line is an example of ONOMATOPOEIA because the word Gurgling indicates a particular sound.

A4. Poetic Devices :                     (02)

Note down the rhyme scheme used in the above stanzas and also note down the rhyming pair of words.

The rhyme scheme used here is   aabb

The rhyming pair of words are row-go, rock-Abberbrothok,  sound-round, Away-day, stare - shore, sky-high, day-away etc.

A5. Poetic Creativity :            (02)

Compose 4 lines of your own on the Theme, “Mariner’s life”.

A5. Poetic Creativity :            (02)

Down sunk the bell with a gurgling sound

The bubbles rose and burst around

Quoth Sir Ralph,” The next who comes to the Rock

Won’t bless  the Abbot of Aberbrothok.

Replace the underlines words by using other appropriate words and compose the lines.

Extract No. 04

Page No. 106  (Lines, “On the deck……….ringing his knell”)

Q. Read the given extract and do all the activities that follow it:

A1. Rearrange :.                         (02)

Following sentences are given in a jumbled manner; rearrange them as per their occurrence.

a) Sir Ralph started cursing himself in despair.

b) Sir Ralph Rover too his stand in the darkness.

c) The breaker  wished that he could hear the Inchcape bell.

d) The vessel striked with a shivering shock.

Ans :  (b),  (c),  (d),  (a)

A2. Give reasons :                     (02)

A) The breakers could not hear any sound because ………………………..

They could not hear any sound due to the absence of the warning bell on the Inchcape Rock which the Rover had cut off . If the sailor had heard the normal expected sound of the warning bell from the Inchcape Rock they would have saved the ship from striking against the rock.

A2. Describe :                            (02)

Write down the reaction of Sir Ralph at the end.

Sir Ralph was in a state of despair and shock when he realised that his ship had struck against the Inchcape his frustration, he pulled his hair and cursed himself .Sir Ralph’s ship struck the very rock from which he had removed the warning bell and sank in the sea.

A3. Personal Response :            (02)

Do you believe in the expression, “As you sow, so shall you reap,” in context with the above extract. Justify.

A3. Personal Response :            (02)

Do you believe that,” Evil  digs a pit for others but falls into the same.’ Illustrate with example

A3. Personal Response :            (02)

How is the theme,” The evil that plots for others, recoils on oneself, carried out at the end of the poem.

Sir Ralph the Rover cut off the warning bell, which the Abbot of Abborbrothok  had placed on the Inchcape rock as a forewarning to the sailors. But Sir Ralph’s absence of any forewarning sound and drowned in the sea with Sir Ralph, thus the evil that Sir Ralph plotted for the Abbot and other sailors recoiled on him

A4. Poetic Devices :                     (02)

Name and explain the figure of speech used in the line

“On the deck the Rover takes his stand”

The figure of speech used in the above line is an example of an INVERSION because the words are not arranged in a proper prose order.

The correct order should be………..      The Rover takes his stand on the deck.

A4. Poetic Devices :                     (02)

“ The Devil below was ringing his knell’

A4. Poetic Devices :                    (02)

“ O Christ! It is the Inchcape Rock!

The figure of speech used in the above line is an example of an APOSTROPHE because a direct address is made with a Non living thing or when the thing is not in front of the speaker at the time of speaking.

A5. Poetic Creativity :            (02)

Sir Ralph the Rover tore his hair,

He curst himself in his despair

The waves rush in every side

The ship is sinking beneath the tide.

Replace the underlined lines by composing your own for a meaningful composition.

A5. Poetic Creativity :            (02)

On the deck .........................................



Compose two lines of your own and rewrite it.

A5. Poetic creativity :            (02)

Imagine you are the poet, compose the continued stanzas after the last stanza which indicates repentance of Sir Ralph the Rover for his bad deeds.


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