HSC Model Paper 1
HSC MODEL ANSWER PAPER NO-1 SUJECT- ENGLISH SUBJECT: ENGLISH MARKS; 80 SECTION- I PROSE (Reading for Comprehension, Language Study, Vocabulary, Summary, Note- Making or Mind Mapping) Q. 1 A. Read the given extract and complete the activities given below: (12) For extract se textbook page no.2& 3 lesson no. 1.1 An Astrologer’s Day eg. Punctually at midnight…………….the wages he carried home at the end of the day. A1. Read the following statements from the extract and arrange them in the sequential order as they occur in the story. (2) (1) The astrologer sat under the boughs of a spreading tamarind tree. (2) The place was lit up by shop lights. (3) Vendor of fried groundnuts gave his ware a fancy name each day. (4) He was as much a stranger to the stars as were his innocent customers. A2. Give reasons: (2) (i) The gleam of astrologer’s eyes was enhanced because of his continual searching look for customers. (ii) People al...
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