
Showing posts from February, 2021

SCERT Lecture by Pravin Mulay.  

Practice Activity Sheet.

      Activity Sheet   Class -12  Time - 3 hours                      Sub - English                                                              Marks - 80  SECTION 1 : Prose (Reading for Comprehension, Language Study, Summary, Mind Mapping)  Que 1 A Read the extract and do all the activities.                  [12]  There is a revolution in the lifestyle of people which has been affected by Big Data. Our food habits, our health care, our travelling, our scientific pursuits, you name it and everything has changed 360 degrees. The massive data available with us can really work wonders. Friends, do you know what happens when we like a post on Facebook or share a post on WhatsApp, visit any website, make online purchases, or watch videos? Yes, whatever activity we do online is recorded, monitored and analysed. So a huge amount of data is collected. Let me give you an idea of how huge the data might be. Big Data can be petabytes or exabytes of data consisting of billions to trillions of rec

Practice Activity sheet

  Model Activity Sheet for Board Exam Practice     Time: Three Hours                   Sub : ENGLISH                      Marks: 80                                                                                                SECTION I – PROSE (Reading for Comprehension, Language Study, Summary, Mind Mapping) Q.1 A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below.       (12) There was a pause as cars hooted on the road, jutka drivers swore at their horses and the babble of the crowd agitated the semi-darkness of the park. The other sat down, sucking his cheroot, puffing out, sat there ruthlessly. The astrologer felt very uncomfortable. "Here, take your anna back. I am not used to such challenges. It is late for me today….. He made preparations to bundle up. The other held his wrist and said, "You can't get out of it now. You dragged me in while I was passing." The astrologer shivered in his grip; and his voice shook and became faint. "Leave me today. I

Inchcape Rock presentation