Big Data Big Insight (Activity 1)
Unit 1.4 Big Data - Big Insights Activity 1 Extract No. 01 Page No. 36 [LINES, “There is a………..what matters”] Read the first activity, read the extract and do all the activities that follow. A1.Web : Complete the web by writing down the changes that have taken place in the life Style of people. *Answers: *food habits*, *health care*, *travelling*,*scientific pursuits* Extract: There is a revolution in the life style of people which has been affected by Big Data. Our food habits, our health care, our travelling, our scientific pursuits, you name it and everything has changed 360 degrees. The massive data available with us can really work wonders. Friends, do you know what happens when we like a post on Facebook or share a post on What App, visit any website, make online purchases, or watch v...